Countries we work in


Farm Africa works across Ethiopia helping people who rely on the land to improve their livelihoods and restore their ecosystems.


Addis Ababa


123 million


Life Expectancy



Population Living in Rural Areas



Population Working in Agriculture



Ethiopia has made remarkable progress in the past 20 years, with over 15 million people lifted out of poverty and great strides made in nature conservation. Today it is one of the top performing economies in sub-Saharan Africa with nine national parks and five UNESCO world biosphere reserves.

Yet that progress is in jeopardy.

With more than three quarters of the country’s population living in rural areas, balancing rural livelihood needs with ecosystem protection is critical.

The country has taken big steps towards sustainability, but climate change, conflict and the global economic crisis are hitting rural people hard. Poverty remains concentrated in rural communities, with most households living on less than 31 pence a day¹.


Conservation challenges

The increasing weather extremes are causing severe droughts and flooding, destroying crops and rangelands and causing a significant decline in the availability of fertile soil and clean water.

Unsustainable practices are widespread as people are forced to compete for dwindling resources. The need for fertile agricultural land is causing forests and grasslands to be cleared for farming. The need to feed livestock is causing overgrazing in open grasslands. The need for fuelwood and construction materials is damaging forests.

30 million

people rely on the tropical forests of Ethiopia's Bale Eco-region for their water supply.

Livelihood challenges

Small-scale farmers are also facing many business challenges. Conflict is disrupting markets. High inflation is driving up costs and wiping out profits.

Many farmers lack business skills and few can obtain finance. Most have poor access to markets and no way of sourcing the technical expertise and products they need to improve their productivity and sustainability.


of Ethiopia's agricultural output is produced by smallholder farmers.

Farm Africa in Ethiopia

Farm Africa works across Ethiopia to help rural communities boost their productivity and incomes while conserving and restoring the ecosystems they rely on.

We understand that the way people use land, forests and water can have a big impact on people living elsewhere – downstream for example. That’s why we take a broad-scale, regional approach, bringing together NGO partners, research institutes, local communities, national parks and government agencies to find inclusive solutions that work for people and for nature.

We help rural communities develop more sustainable ways of using the forests, rangelands, and water sources they rely on.

“You cannot conserve natural resources without thinking about the livelihoods of the community, and you cannot improve livelihoods of the community without thinking about conservation of the environment. The two go hand in hand. If that is jointly planned and jointly executed, any intervention will be successful and sustainable.”

Shewit Emmanuel

Ethiopia Country Director, Farm Africa

Sustainable solutions

Together with our partners, we support communities to roll out climate-smart farming techniques, develop forest-friendly enterprises, trial more sustainable energy solutions, improve their access to markets and more.

Deep expertise

Ethiopia is Farm Africa’s biggest country programme. Having worked in Ethiopia since 1988, and with all of the programme’s 125 staff members being of Ethiopian nationality, we have a deep understanding of the complex challenges people are facing here, and a depth of experience – and partnerships – to draw from for solutions.

Currently, we have eight active programmes working in 16 locations across the country.

Our programmes in Ethiopia


Participatory forest management

Running since




Target reach


Key focus areas

Act on climate change

Increase incomes

Protect ecosystems


Nature-based solutions

Running since




Target reach

87,000 households

Key focus areas

Act on climate change

Increase incomes

Protect ecosystems


Forests for sustainable development

Running since




Target reach

55,600 households

Key focus areas

Increase food security and nutrition

Increase incomes

Protect ecosystems

“That barren land, which had been neglected for many years, has now become productive and earns us income.”

Ade Rameto

Mansa Rangeland Management Cooperative member, Abijatta-Shalla National Park


Reviving nature’s symphony: the triumph of participatory rangeland management in transforming a degraded landscape

More info

A greener future on a grand scale: a summary of the Bale Eco-region Phase II project

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Eco-tourism opportunity in Ilu Ababor Ethiopia

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Strengthening agricultural market systems

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Urban agriculture in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Nature-based Solutions factsheet

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Sustainable livelihoods through ecosystem conservation: Update on the Bale Eco-region Phase II project

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Marketing Bale’s wild coffee

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Photo credits

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