Contact us
Get in touch
Before you get in touch, there may be an answer to your question in our FAQs below.
Please note that due to limited resources, we’re not always able to respond to:
- Requests for financial support from individuals
- Unsolicited requests for funding and partnership outside of our current areas of operation
- Speculative job and volunteering applications
- Requests for information for school or university projects
- Supplier enquiries
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently asked questions
Why doesn't Farm Africa work in other African countries?
Can I work or volunteer for Farm Africa?
What will Farm Africa do with my contact details?
How does Farm Africa spend its money?
Is Farm Africa involved in emergency work?
Can Farm Africa provide funding for my project or organisation?
Can Farm Africa provide information for research?
Can I contact you about a product or service you might be interested in?
Any comments, suggestions or complaints?
How can I donate to Farm Africa?
I would like to know more about Gift Aid
Where does the money I donate to Farm Africa go?
I have raised some money for Farm Africa. How do I pay it in?
How do I make a donation in memory of a loved one?
Can I donate a specific item such as a goat, and how much will this cost?
How do I leave a gift to Farm Africa in my Will?
I have a question about my donation - who can I contact?
Why haven't I received a thank you letter for my gift?
Office locations
United Kingdom
Farm Africa
1 St John’s Lane
London EC1M 4BL
Office opening hours
9am to 5pm
Telephone numbers
Farm Africa Kenya
Devsons Court
Apartment 09
Argwings Kodhek Close
Office opening hours
8.30am to 5pm
Telephone numbers
Farm Africa Ethiopia
Gurd Shola, Ethio-Ceramics Building,
5th floor (Near Century Mall)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
PO Box 5746
Office opening hours
8am to 5pm
Telephone numbers
Farm Africa Tanzania
Amverton Towers
Plot No. 1127
Chole Road
Msasani Peninsular
PO Box 105181
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office opening hours
8.30am to 5pm
Telephone numbers
Farm Africa Uganda
Plot 38
Upper Naguru East Road
Office opening hours
8.30am to 5.30pm
Telephone numbers