13 June 2016
Dinner by Heston Blumenthal raises £5,000 for Farm Africa

This spring, Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, ranked seventh in the 2015 Word’s 50 Best Restaurants list, raised over £5,000 for Farm Africa in just two months by taking part in the annual Dine for Good campaign.
Dine for Good allows diners in participating restaurants to add a discretionary £1 donation onto their bill – money which goes directly to Farm Africa. The campaign has attracted some of the biggest names in the British food industry, bringing together world-famous restaurants to help African farming families grow brighter futures.
This is Dinner’s third year taking part in the Dine for Good campaign, and the simple act of adding £1 onto guests’ bills has raised record amounts; £5,000 is enough money to provide training and support for 100 households in Ethiopia growing vegetable crops.
Executive chef at Dinner, Ashley Palmer-Watts, has been a long-standing supporter of Farm Africa, not only raising £50,000 when he scaled Mount Kilimanjaro in 2013, but also helping to design a menu for Farm Africa’s Gala in April and visiting projects in Kenya to offer professional business advice to fish farmers:
“I have supported Farm Africa for a number of years and I have seen first-hand how the funds raised have impacted local communities in eastern Africa. Dine for Good is a simple and effective way for the restaurant industry to give back. Join me this year in ending hunger – for good.”
To find out more about Dine for Good and to sign your restaurant up, please visit our webpage or contact Charlotte Senior on [email protected]