
27 September 2022

Running to raise double!

The next two weeks include two of London’s most prestigious running events, the TCS London Marathon and the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

A huge team of 42 runners has joined #TeamFarmAfrica to run and raise vital funds for Farm Africa’s work in eastern Africa and we are delighted to announce that all donations will be doubled* thanks to a generous group of Farm Africa supporters!

Read on to meet a few of our runners and support their fundraising to make double the impact to help people and the planet…

NFU Student Ambassadors Bizza Walters and Jessica Langton have chosen to support Farm Africa by running their first ever marathon this Sunday:

Bizza, with sheep Diane in Warwickshire, after one of her many training runs.

What are you most looking forward to about this year’s marathon?

Jessica: The crowd and the atmosphere.

Bizza: Giving the race a good go!

What are you most dreading?

Jessica: The distance and potential poor weather.

Bizza: Hitting ‘the wall’ about 20 miles in.

As first time marathon runners, what is your top tip?

Bizza: It’s fine to have a week off here and there to allow your body time to recover. Eat well and eat lots, and get a good podcast or music going.

Jessica: It’s definitely tricky but my tips would be that pacing yourself is key and that it’s ok to take walking intervals.

If you have any words of encouragement or would like to make a donation, head to Bizza’s and Jessica’s fundraising pages.

Meanwhile film director, Anthony Rubinstein, has taken a creative spin on fundraising:

“I’m holding a charity print sale of an original piece of artwork that I’ve created, inspired by the many, many hours spent trudging around London’s parks in training for the big day. I have 100 prints to post to anyone who will sponsor me £15 or more. Please do take a look at my JustGiving page to snap one up!”

Watch a time lapse of Anthony’s illustration of London park life here.

Anthony sporting his Farm Africa running t-shirt.

A number of our team originally signed up in 2019 for the 2020 London Marathon. One pandemic later and they are ready to run the roads of London:

Why have you chosen to run for Farm Africa?

Carys Major: I am in awe of the amazing work Farm Africa carry out. It feels so rewarding to promote the fantastic work Farm Africa do, and to contribute to their cause of reducing poverty.

Ashley Jury: My dad has been very active with Farm Africa for years, since its beginning I believe, and been able to see for himself how the money is used and the difference it makes. Knowing that made it easier to choose Farm Africa over other charities.

How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?

Carys: I think of why I am running it, how lucky I am to be running for Farm Africa, and what a once in a lifetime experience it will be. I also think of my family and friends who keep me motivated throughout.

Ashley: My problem is usually wanting to run but not having the time to!

How are you going to treat yourself after the race is over?

Carys: All the pasta… and probably chocolate!

Ashley: I have to rush to the airport to get home (Stockholm) for work on Monday but I hope to book myself in for a spa on the Tuesday!

Ashley is getting race day ready.

Next up is Owen Keogh, Sustainability Manager at Musgrave, who has levelled up from running the Royal Parks Half Marathon to now run the London Marathon for Farm Africa:

Why have you chosen to run for Farm Africa again?

To support a very worthwhile cause. It’s so important to support those who need it most and to set them up for future long-term success.

Do you have a message for your supporters?

I can’t wait to see you on the streets cheering everyone on!

NHS manager Dan Cannon bravely joined the team after a last minute drop out, with only two months until race day:

What is your running tip?

Use a training plan as a guide and adjust it to your own needs. Don’t try to do too much too quickly as it will cause injuries and you won’t be able to train later on!

What are you most looking forward to about this year’s marathon?

The atmosphere and supporters. I’ve watched many times, so to be on the other side of it will be great!

Farm Africa cheer point at the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

Then on Sunday 9 October, 18 members of The Farm Gym in north London will be joining Team Farm Africa as they take on the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Their team target is to raise a minimum of £5,000, which now has the potential to double through our matched giving appeal:

What are you most looking forward to about this year’s half marathon?

For us, it is the community spirit that comes with team events. From the training up towards the event, to on the day, when everyone rallies together to get through the run. It is also some of our team’s first event, which is always one to remember. Maybe the flat parts of the run too!

Do you have any training tips for first time half marathon runners?

Don’t put too much pressure to run the race in a fast time. Make sure you stop to smell the roses along the way. It’s more important to enjoy the run, than to run it as fast as possible. Especially one like the Royal Parks. Start off slow and keep on thinking of how good you will feel when you cross the finish line.

To sponsor The Farm Gym and double your donation* to help them beat their £5,000 target, donate to their team fundraising page here.

Runners training at The Farm Gym.

If you’re able to support Farm Africa’s runners, please sponsor what you can via the linked fundraising pages and your donation will be doubled*!

How can you help:

  • £11 could provide training to one woman in high-quality coffee production.
  • £28 could help more farmers access drought-tolerant seeds that can withstand extreme weather conditions, like drought.
  • £65 could help five farmers use their natural resources sustainably so their land can be farmed for generations to come.
  • £96 could buy three goats for a pastoralist woman, so she can set up a goat-rearing business.
  • £136 could help two farmers learn the skills they need to produce organic fruit and vegetables sustainably.

Join our cheer squads!

If you’d like to join Farm Africa’s cheer squad on Sunday 2 October or Sunday 9 October, please complete our short form to let us know and we’ll be in touch.

Farm Africa cheer point at the London Marathon.

TCS London Marathon 2023

Want to take on a running challenge? Applications for the London Marathon on Sunday 23 April 2023 are open! Apply at

*The first £150,000 donated to this Appeal will be matched thanks to a generous group of Farm Africa supporters.

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