1 September 2011
BBC Radio interviews Farm Africa about its Give Poverty the Boot! campaign
Friend of Farm from Gloucester, Martin Taylor, recently spoke to BBC Radio about Farm Africa’s work and its Give Poverty the Boot campaign. In the interview Martin talks about how churches can support Give Poverty the Boot during this Harvest Festival.
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Give Poverty the Boot!
We are asking clergy and congregations to support our work to provide African farmers with the key skills, technical knowledge and tools they need to sustainably increase and diversify the food they are able to grow on their land. This work includes helping farmers and communities develop agriculture which is climate resilient. Such innovative agriculture will help mitigate in the long-term against the increasingly severe effects of drought and extreme hunger in sub-Saharan Africa.
To help churches raise money which will have a real long-term impact in reducing hunger in Africa, Farm Africa has sent a pack full of information and creative fundraising ideas to approximately 13,000 churches across the UK.
To make fundraising as fun as possible we are asking clergy and church-goers to get their wellies on so they can get growing food to Give Poverty the Boot. Church congregations could have a competition to see who can grow the most food in one welly. Or members of the congregation could donate plants and vegetables from their gardens to a Harvest produce sale to raise funds. Clergy could even swap the usual collection plate for a welly to collect donations at their Harvest services to Give Poverty the Boot!