
16 October 2012

World Food Day: Help End Hunger

“Food security is now at the top of our national and foreign policy agendas, as well as that of so many other nations in the world, because we understand it is a humanitarian and moral imperative, but it also directly relates to global security and stability. I’ve seen in my travels how increased investments in agriculture and nutrition are paying off in rising prosperity, healthier children, better markets, and stronger communities.” – Secretary Hillary Clinton, Feed the Future Event at United Nations, September 27, 2012

Today is World Food Day. Since 1981 the day has been marked by organisations focused on improving food security by calling for greater investment in agriculture.

It’s a little-known fact that hunger is the world’s number one health risk. It kills more people worldwide every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

There are a staggering 239 million people suffering from hunger in sub-Saharan Africa which receives over 3.7 million tons of emergency food handouts every year.

Years of devastating drought have left farming families across eastern Africa dependent on food aid. It’s a crucial life-line, keeping them alive from one day to the next. But it’s not a long-term solution.

At Farm Africa we believe in farm aid, not food aid. By providing the technical know-how and the right seeds, we help farmers grow enough food to feed their families – not just this harvest, but every harvest.

Learn more about Farm Africa and make a donation to its life-changing work.  

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