10 March 2011
Sesame seeds distributed to 920 farmers in Tanzania
Farm Africa’s sesame marketing project is well underway! In recent months the first 46 farmers groups (totalling 920 farmers) in the Mbugwe area of Babati have received sesame seeds and training in how to plant them. The farmers groups have received four varieties of sesame seeds, which they will test on their demonstration plots to find out which variety produces the biggest, highest quality harvest.
Mbugwe is the driest area in Babati and has very low rainfall. In light of this, farmers have also received training on soil and water conservation techniques to ensure the best possible growing conditions for their seeds. In recent months, 15 farmers groups have received training in these techniques, both in the classroom and in the field. The farmers’ field training included a visit from a soil specialist from the Agricultural Research Institute who demonstrated techniques such as how to dig terraces along contour lines. Farmers put the theory into practice and created grass strips and terraces.
By October 2011, Farm Africa aims to increase the income of these 920 households by 25%. With your support we can increase the incomes of many more farmers in eastern Africa.