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Read more about our learning from Farm Africa's programmes in our publications.
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Act on climate change
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Increase food security and nutrition
Regenerative agriculture factsheet
A comprehensive overview of Farm Africa’s Regenerative Agriculture project in Embu and Tharaka-Nithi counties in Kenya, funded by the IKEA Foundation through AGRA.
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Act on climate change
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Increase food security and nutrition
Farm Africa response to the Core Carbon Principles proposed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)
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DR Congo
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Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa response to the Core Carbon Principles proposed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)
This PDF is the response Farm Africa submitted in September 2022 to a public consultation on the draft Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) and Assessment Framework (AF) being developed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)’s Expert Panel. The CCPs and AF will set new threshold standards for high-quality carbon credits, provide guidance on how to apply the CCPs, and define which carbon-crediting programmes and methodology types are CCP-eligible. The Core Carbon Principles and Assessment Framework will be issued in Q4 2022, following the public consultation, which launched in July 2022.
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DR Congo
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Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Regenerating our Soils – Cases and Success Stories from the Regenerative Agriculture project in Kenya
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Regenerating our Soils – Cases and Success Stories from the Regenerative Agriculture project in Kenya
This booklet tells the stories of farmers involved in AGRA’s “Regenerative agriculture through the development of the pulses value chain” pilot project, which ran from July 2020 to October 2021, AGRA, with funding from IKEA Foundation, and in partnership with Farm Africa and Cereal Growers Association (CGA) in Embu and Makueni Counties of Kenya.
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Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Support businesses
De-risking smallholders’ enterprises
This three-page document summarises the results and learning from Farm Africa’s Growing Futures youth horticulture project in western Kenya from 2019 to 2021.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Support businesses
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
Empower women
Increase access to finance
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Strengthen food systems
Support businesses
Farm Africa strategic plan 2021-2025
Farm Africa is a leading NGO specialising in promoting sustainable agricultural practices, strengthening markets and protecting the environment in rural Africa. Our strategic plan for the years 2021-2025 outlines our ambitious plan to grow and unlock the potential of agriculture to transform rural Africa.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
Empower women
Increase access to finance
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Strengthen food systems
Support businesses
Key focus areas
Connect farmers to markets
Support businesses
Cultivate overview
An overview of Cultivate, a business development services unit created by Farm Africa that supports rural small and growing agribusinesses across eastern Africa.
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Key focus areas
Connect farmers to markets
Support businesses
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Boosting the resilience of smallholders through regenerative agriculture
Project factsheet on Farm Africa’s regenerative agricultural practices in Embu County, Kenya.
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Support businesses
Farmers Record Keeping Booklet
This is a record keeping manual designed to help farmers better manage their fish ponds. The manual is supported by Farm Africa for the Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Programme (KMAP).
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Support businesses
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Control methods for Desert Locust
In response to the worst desert locust invasion to hit eastern Africa in decades, Farm Africa has produced a one-page briefing sheet giving information on the lifespan, threat to food security and control measures for those facing infestations of The Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forskal).
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Strengthen food systems
Support businesses
Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Programme (KMAP) Guide to profitable fish farming 2019
This 16-page guide shares lessons from Farm Africa’s Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Programme, funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kenya, which worked across the fish value chain in 14 counties in Kenya. The project aimed to increase productivity, strengthen market systems and make the policy environment conducive so that farmers can turn their ponds into thriving businesses.
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Strengthen food systems
Support businesses
Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
Support businesses
Cashew nut and sesame production and marketing factsheet
Factsheet on Farm Africa’s Cashew nut and sesame production and marketing project in Kenya. Farm Africa, together with Ten Senses Africa, trained 15,000 smallholder farmers in Kilifi, Kwale and Lamu in Good Agricultural Practices to revive the dwindling economy by increasing incomes for cashew and sesame farmers, creating employment opportunities for the communities and boosting food security.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
Support businesses
Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Aquaculture for jobs, incomes and food security
The cost of producing fish in Kenya exceeds the wholesale price of imported fish, making Kenyan fish farmers uncompetitive. This policy brief outlines Farm Africa’s recommendations for the support needed to make the Kenyan aquaculture sector thrive and create jobs, increase incomes and bolster national food security.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
Growing Futures factsheet
A comprehensive and concise overview of Farm Africa’s Growing Futures project in western Kenya. Growing Futures supports young farmers in western Kenya to set up profitable enterprises growing and selling high-demand vegetables.
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Boost youth employment
Connect farmers to markets
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Protect ecosystems
An overview of Farm Africa’s approach to the environment
The preservation of natural resources is critical to poverty reduction, global food security and climate change mitigation. Farm Africa promotes environmental activities that that bring farmers, governments and other stakeholders together to earn an income from and protect the environment.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Protect ecosystems
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Protect ecosystems
An overview of Farm Africa’s approach to agriculture
Reducing poverty in rural Africa depends on making agriculture work better. Farm Africa’s approach to improving agricultural production focuses on helping farmers harness the power of technological advances, pioneering the use of climate-smart agriculture and better managing the natural resources farmers rely upon.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Protect ecosystems
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase access to finance
Increase incomes
Support businesses
An overview of Farm Africa’s approach to business
Farm Africa supports the development of enterprises that connect farmers to markets. By linking farmers and agribusinesses to consumer demand, improving the flow of working and investment capital into the sector and strengthening the businesses that supply farmers with commercial services, Farm Africa is helping turn African agriculture into a profitable sector that lifts people out of poverty.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase access to finance
Increase incomes
Support businesses
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa’s approach to climate-smart agriculture
A summary of Farm Africa’s approach to building the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate shocks and trends and minimising their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Protect ecosystems
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa’s approach to land, water and environment
A summary of Farm Africa’s approach to increasing the sustainability of smallholder and agribusiness production, with a focus on conservation of essential biodiversity, woodlots and watersheds.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Protect ecosystems