12 November 2018
New project launched to help Ethiopian farmers cope with climate change

Farm Africa and the Netherlands-based Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) have launched a new project helping smallholder farmers living in Ethiopia’s Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) adapt to climate change. The project is funded by the European Union.
The project will help farmers adopt climate-smart technologies and practices, including gaining access to online weather and market information.
The project will help a total of 20,000 smallholder farmers living in three woredas of the region: Halaba special woreda, Hadero Tunto and Damot Gale.
“We need to build the capacity of smallholder farmers to cope with unpredictable climate variability through innovations in technology and improved farming practices. This project will serve to test some of these innovations and open the way to scaling up successful practices to a large number of farmers,” said Michael Hailu, Director of the CTA.
Farm Africa will run the 22-month project, entitled ‘Accelerating the Uptake of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia’, in collaboration with the SNNPR Bureau of Finance & Economy (BoFED), the Regional Agriculture & Natural Resources Bureau and the Cooperative Development Agency with financial and technical support from CTA.
This project is funded by the European Union.