7 September 2012
Livestock support in South Sudan
Tackling disease and improving livestock health in South Sudan
We have made big advances in 2012 in helping communities in the Kapoeta region of South Sudan to keep their livestock healthy.
For 80% of the population in this area, rearing livestock for sale is the main source of income. Keeping livestock healthy and free from disease therefore is hugely important. But in recent years the deadly out breaks of the anthrax disease have killed hundreds of cattle. This is why we have been working closely with communities in recent months to improve the health of their livestock and to build their ability to combat livestock disease.
• Together with the local authorities, we have provided specialist training for 16 farmers in how to manage and look after livestock vaccinations. The training is specialised because vaccinations are only effective if kept in carefully controlled conditions in a fridge.These farmers have now returned to their local county areas where they are responsible for looking after vaccinations and helping to keep local livestock immunised against disease. Keeping livestock healthy and immunised against disease means that families have a source of food like milk and meat.
• We are training Community Animal Health Workers to administer vaccinations and equipping them with essentials such as syringes, antiseptics and even gumboots.
• We have also built a vetinerary drug store in Kapoeta South District and another store is being built in Kapoeta North. Both stores will be equipped with fridges containing vaccines so local farmers are able to access the drugs they need at prices they can afford. This will help ensure they are able to rear healthy animals that can be kept free from disease before eventually selling them for income.
To support this project and our other work, please make a donation.