
6 March 2015

Jump on your bike for Prudential RideLondon and Farm Africa

If you’re up to the challenge, Farm Africa needs you!

The charity Farm Africa is looking for keen cyclists to take part in the iconic Prudential RideLondon – Surrey 100 to help African farmers dig themselves out of poverty.

Public places for the iconic route – used for the 2012 London Olympics – are now SOLD OUT but Farm Africa has a limited number of places for the 100-mile closed route ride through the capital and Surrey’s stunning countryside.

As well as joining a great team, cyclists for Farm Africa can get their hands on a whole host of freebies – including an exclusive Farm Africa cycling jersey, as worn by our team of more than 20 cyclists who took part in 2014.

We’ll also support you from registration until long after you cross the finishing line. Before the event, we’ll help you to smash that fundraising target with regular e-mails offering fundraising support and training tips to get you ready for the race. On the day you’ll be supported by a dedicated team of cheerers, and a post-race reception including a well-earned massage and some refuelling food and drink.

The registration fee to guarantee your spot in the race is £48. And to get you motivated for fundraising, all we ask is that you raise at least £600. It’s all part of the challenge, but we know you can do it!

To register, visit Alternatively, you can call Farm Africa Events Fundraiser India Turners-Lee on 0207 841 5163 or email her at [email protected].

This is your last chance to take part in this exciting challenge and raise money for a great cause.

See you at the starting line!

To arrange an interview or for further information please contact the Farm Africa Fundraising Team:

India Turner-Lees, 0207 841 5163 / [email protected]

Sarah Wren, 0207 067 1236 / [email protected]


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