
21 December 2011

Friends of Farm 2011 Round-Up

Friends of Farm is Farm Africa’s network of fundraisers and volunteers. The network extends across the country and is the beating heart of Farm Africa’s fundraising activities in communities across the UK. Many of the events organised to raise funds for Farm Africa simply would not be possible without the incredible knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication of our tireless band of volunteers.

Friends of Farm, or “Foffers” as they are affectionately referred to in the Farm Africa London office, have had an outstanding 2011. Throughout the year they have been busy doing what they do best: bringing our work to life in their communities across the UK and raising funds to enable African farming communities to look forward to a brighter future.

From the Scottish Borders in the north to Devon and East Sussex in the south, Friends of Farm have consistently gone the extra mile in 2011 to support our work by dancing, selling, singing and cooking their way towards raising more than £25,000.

Their work is vital, not only because it brings in much needed cash; but also because it raises the profile of our work to ever wider audiences within their communities. Some of them, such as Martin Taylor in Gloucestershire, have taken to the airwaves on local radio stations to highlight to people in their area the work we do to support farmers and their communities in eastern Africa.

Here is just a flavour of what some of our “Foffers” have been up to in 2011:

In July, long-standing supporter Bill Acworth opened his beautiful Berkshire farm and welcomed his local community for a day of activities and learning. Participants got involved in a fascinating selection of activities, ranging from stone carving to clay oven making. Everyone savoured a sumptuous, locally sourced lunch and the day raised over £1,000.

Sarah Scott has been holding a monthly ‘Coffee N Browse’ fundraiser at her local church, in Burbage, Marlborough. She has raised more than £600 this year alone.

In the Scottish Borders, Friends of Farm have raised an impressive total of more than £4,000 this year. They have held coffee mornings, staged a summer car boot sale and raised more money still at their ‘pick your own’ fruit business.

And Friends in Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and in other communities across the country have held Harvest lunches, plant sales and music evenings.

And last, but by no means least, Friends of Farm Kent & East Sussex have been as busy and productive as ever. Tim Jury, who has been a Friend of Farm for over 20 years and who is the group leader for Kent & East Sussex, recently led a team of six other Farm Africa supporters to Kenya to run in the Masai Mara Half Marathon. The event was incredibly challenging; but despite both the heat and altitude, the runners raised a hugely impressive £11,000. On top of all this, the Kent & East Sussex group also staged their annual barn dance, their annual horse ride over the South Downs and even found time for some carol singing too!

Asked why he took on such an epic challenge, Tim responded:

“Any reason for a visit to Africa needs little explanation but when one can visit some extraordinary people, see for myself the great work Farm Africa is doing and run a once in a lifetime race across the Masai well how can you top that!

The whole experience was unforgettable the Kenyans are so friendly and hospitable and those working at the projects are committed to improving the lives of those beneficiaries they work with. The beneficiaries themselves are amazing and add much to the assistance Farm Africa gives them by working so hard and sharing the lessons learnt with others.”

As well as organising their own fundraising events, Friends of Farm groups have been busy giving talks and telling people in their community about Farm Africa’s work and encouraging others to get involved too. Our Give Poverty the Boot appeal for schools and churches has raised around £70,000 and much of this is thanks to our tireless Friends of Farm flying the Farm Africa flag in their local communities.

If you would like to get involved in supporting Farm Africa in your community please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 020 7067 1256.

Some of the many press articles on Friends of Farm activities in  2011:

Pupils give harvest help – Newmarket Journal

Brothers juice it up for Africa – Banbury Guardian

Safari run for charity supporters – Hastings Observer

Barcelona bike challenge to help tackle poverty in Africa – Your Tunbridge

Grandmother from East Molesey running Africa for charity – Surrey Comet

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