4 November 2022
Farm Africa at COP27

Farm Africa staff will participate in the following events at the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, both in person and virtually, to share the organisation’s experience and learning in helping rural communities across eastern Africa to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
All times are in local time, GMT+2.
Sunday 6 November
15.00 – 16.00 Farmers and innovators at the centre: solutions for creating resilient food systems for tomorrow (online and in person)
Where? Food Systems Pavilion
Programme Manager Nura Aman, who manages Farm Africa’s Forests for Sustainable Development project in the Bale Eco-region in Ethiopia will participate in the above event, addressing the actions that need to be taken to ensure a food secure future in the coming decades.
Thursday 10 November
16.30 – 18.00 Business Fights Poverty, Climate Justice Summit: Gender and Climate Justice session (online and in person)
Join Farm Africa’s Senior Technical Manager for Agriculture Anastasia Mbatia as she joins a panel discussing gender and climate justice. Learn about how Farm Africa champions gender equality and ensures women are not marginalised as the carbon market expands.
Register here
Friday 11 November
11.00 – 12.15 Food Climate Pavilion, session convened by Compassion in World Farming on Tackling Climate Change through better Livestock Management Systems
Where? Food Climate Pavilion
Food4Climate Pavilion
Dr Diana Onyango, Farm Africa’s Technical Manager – Livestock and Rangelands, will dial in to discuss adaptation challenges for women impacted by climate change and how to strengthen their resilience.
Register here
Follow the livestream here
12.00 – 13.00 Boosting Soil Health day: Soil Health for Nature Positive Production “Taste the Soil, the silent ally that feeds us”
This event is designed to bring the consumer closer to the farm, illustrating how soils have a direct (and indirect) link to the taste and quality of our food. Representatives from research and the food industry will speak about how the flavour, quality, and taste of certain foods and beverages (such as coffee, wine) are affected by soil conditions and what kinds of innovations can help making our food more plentiful and nutritious. Farm Africa Senior Technical Manager for Agriculture Anastasia Mbatia will offer the perspective of farmers, exploring how they help sustain soil health through their soil and land management practices, but also how soils feeds and sustains them too.
Register here
Saturday 12 November
11.30 – 12.30 Innovations in Climate Proof Farming Systems
Drawing on Farm Africa’s expertise, Senior Technical Manager for Agriculture Anastasia Mbatia will join a moderated discussion between policymakers, farmers and the private sector on the various barriers that prevent farming systems to become “climate-proof” and how to best remove them.
Where? International Chamber of Commerce
13.00 – 13.45 Scaling Up Climate Smart Agriculture
IFAD Goodwill Ambassador Sabrina Elba will give opening remarks on what needs to be done to scale up climate resilient agriculture in Africa, reflecting on her recent visit to Farm Africa’s Growing Futures youth horticulture project in western Kenya.
Register here
17.00 – 18.00 Women and climate resilience in global supply chains
Dr Diana Onyango will join a discussion hosted PWC at the Resilience Hub.
Stream here
Register here
Monday 14 November
17:00-18:00 Women and climate resilience in global supply chains
Where? Resilience Hub pavilion
PwC and the Work and Opportunities for Women Programme are hosting a panel discussion at COP27 this year discussing women and climate resilience in global supply chains.
Dr Diana Onyango, Farm Africa’s Technical Manager for Livestock and Rangelands will join panellists from FCDO, BII, EBRD and Waitrose to explore the question of how we transition to a net zero economy at the same time as economically empowering more women.
Sign up the Resilience Hub here:
Wednesday 16 November
09.00 – 10.30 Putting nature at the heart of the Principles for Locally Led Adaptation: A celebration of endorsers
Where? Locally Led Adaptation Pavilion
Farm Africa’s Forests for Sustainable Development project coordinator Nura Aman will join a discussion, talking about why locally led adaptation principles are important to Farm Africa’s work.
Details of the event here
13.15 – 14.00 Inviting everyone to the table: How a diversity of nature-inspired food solutions and stakeholders can enable a global recovery for biodiversity
Where? Food Systems Pavilion
Drawing on Farm Africa’s REDD+ forest conservation programme in Ethiopia’s Bale Eco-region, Programme Manager Nura Aman will talk about how forests can support improved livelihoods whilst reducing environmental impact.
Details of the event here