3 November 2011
BBC interviews Farm Africa on project using cassava to brew beer in South Sudan
BBC interview here: %smartmod-mp3player-BBC WS_FocusOnAfrica_GeorgeMukkath%
Farm Africa’s Director of Programmes, George Mukkath, was among a group of NGOs and private sector companies who participated in the media launch of SABMiller’s first ever cassava beer in Johannesburg this week. The event also involved discussions on the importance of linking smallholder farmers and the private sector in the supply chain.
George Mukkath was joined by Corin Mitchell, from The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, Suzanne Vlakveld from The Dutch Agricultural Development and Trading Company, Eric Schmidt from the International Fertilizer Development Centre and representatives of SABMiller in Africa who took part in the discussion.
Farm Africa is working with SABMiller in South Sudan, helping to integrate local smallholder farmers into SABMiller’s South Sudan supply chain. Locally-sourced cassava will be used in brewing in South Sudan after the first harvest in 2012.
Farm Africa’s is working with local farmers to increase their cassava yields so that excess can be sold to the local brewery or to other local markets. By working in this way Farm Africa is supporting farmers to convert cassava from subsistence to a cash crop.
Taking into account actors along the supply chain, farmers’ families and the affect on suppliers, distribution, retail and other agricultural labour, the project plans to benefit up to 15,600 people.