
8 October 2012

A huge thank you from the top of Africa

The Kilimanjaro Challenge Team has returned to earth with a bump after reaching the summit of the world’s tallest freestanding mountain on Friday.

But before they came down from the highest point on Kilimanjaro – Uhuru Peak – the team found time to pose for photos.

Time under the official sign at Uhuru Peak is extremely limited due to the thin air, the climbers’ exhaustion and the volume of other teams keen to have their own photo taken at the summit.

But the Kilimajaro Challenge Team were determined to unfurl their banners to thank everyone and all the corporate sponsors who have so generously supported Farm Africa by donating to the Challenge and the NFU’s Africa 100 Appeal.

The team has raised a very healthy £24,377 so far and the Appeal will run until next February.

So there is plenty of time to make a donation if you would like to acknowledge all the incredible hard work of the climbers in training for and taking part in the Kilimanjaro Challenge!

Gold Sponsors:
Massey Ferguson, BASF, Agrii.

Silver Sponsors:
The European Crop Protection Association, Morrisons, Sygenta.

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