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Farm Africa supporters wish Clara well

18 May 2017

Following our recent appeal, cards with messages to Clara, a sesame farmer in Tanzania, have been rolling in from our fantastic supporters.

Farm Africa's London Marathon heroes

26 April 2017

Farm Africa’s London Marathon runners braved the 26.2 miles with the goal of helping build a prosperous rural Africa. Twelve runners from all over the world and walks of life came together to push themselves to the limits and raise over £37,500 for Farm Africa.

Dinner by Heston Blumenthal launches Dine for Good in support of Farm Africa

05 April 2017

During April and May diners at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal will be asked to donate £1 to support Farm Africa’s Dine for Good campaign.

VIDEO: How to maximise aquaculture productivity in Kenya

03 April 2017

In Farm Africa's new video the organisation draws on it's roster of aquaculture experts, farmers and development professionals combined experience to provide viewers with practical advice on how to optimise fish farm productivity and reduce waste through successful farm management.

New Farm Africa project to boost orange-fleshed sweet potato production in Uganda

28 March 2017

Farm Africa has received a grant from the Ajahma Charitable Trust to develop the production, storage and marketing of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes in the Teso sub-region of eastern Uganda.