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A layered solution to fighting climate change

Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, but the growing challenges of climate change mean that many farmers struggle to make a profit from their businesses because the traditional crops they grow can’t survive extreme weather...

But the team at Farm Africa’s Market-Driven Climate-Smart Agriculture project knew that it’s possible for farmers like Mohammed to build their resilience to shifting climate patterns, whilst also making their farming more rewarding. Their solution began with a bulb.

“I remember, the first time I heard about the potential of onions. It was two years ago and I was preparing my plot of land to grow maize, when an agricultural expert from Farm Africa proposed that I produce a new onion variety instead.”

Mohammed lives in Ethiopia’s SNNP region. He is one of 5,400 farmers there who are receiving one-to-one training from Farm Africa in how to produce high-value, drought-tolerant crops such as onions, chickpeas and peppers.

“At first I was sceptical, so the advisor took his time and told me about the onion’s high productivity and how it can survive water shortages, humidity and disease.

I was still a bit unsure but when I was told I would be given support to access markets to sell my produce, I was convinced to give it a go.”

Farm Africa gave Mohammed access to onion seedlings and visited him regularly on his farm to provide expert advice throughout each step, from planting to selling.

“In less than three months, I successfully produced 100kg of onions and sold them for a good price. Over the past two years my onion business has grown and I no longer need support. I am grateful to Farm Africa and its expert who advised me.”

Now, who said onions make you cry?

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