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Bumper first harvest for Aldi's Farm Africa project

29 June 2017

A year into Farm Africa's partnership with Aldi, farmers taking part in our Growing Futures project in western Kenya have brought in bumper yields of vegetables.   

Merial launches #CALFMATTERS fundraising challenge for Farm Africa

19 June 2017

One hundred animal health professionals have each pledged to walk 10,000 steps a day for 20 weeks to raise awareness of the importance of calf vaccination and raise funds for Farm Africa.

Determination has improved life for Anjelina

07 June 2017

“Never give up” is a motivational mantra used the world over. One of the sesame farmers we work with in Tanzania is someone who truly did not give up, and she has seen life improve as a result.

Flying the flag of Farm Africa at the Gosport Pursuit

02 June 2017

Farm Africa supporters take on the Gosport Pursuit.

Farm Africa supporters wish Clara well

18 May 2017

Following our recent appeal, cards with messages to Clara, a sesame farmer in Tanzania, have been rolling in from our fantastic supporters.

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