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Extraordinary achievement as Team Kili makes it to Gilman's Point

05 October 2012

The Kilimanjaro Challenge Team unfurls the banner at Gilman's Point

We are delighted to announce the wonderful news that all the team has successfully made it to one of Kilimanjaro’s highest points at Gilman’s Point, a dizzying 5685 metres above sea level.

Getting to Gilman’s is a huge achievement for any climber as only two thirds of all those that set out make it this far. The trek to Gilman’s is extremely arduous as climbers scramble over loose scree in extremely thin air.

From Gilman’s Point it is a three hour round trip up to Uhuru, Kilimanjaro’s highest peak at 5896 metres.

We will update with further details as soon as it is possible for the climbers to contact us.

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