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An overview of Farm Africa's approach to agriculture

Combating poverty in rural Africa depends on making agriculture work better. Farm Africa’s approach to improving agricultural production focuses on helping farmers harness the power of technological advances, pioneering the use of climate-smart agriculture and better managing the natural resources farmers rely upon.

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An overview of Farm Africa's approach to the environment

The preservation of natural resources is critical to poverty reduction, global food security and climate change mitigation. Farm Africa promotes environmental activities that that bring farmers, governments and other stakeholders together to earn an income from and protect the environment.

PDF - 1028kb

An overview of Farm Africa's approach to business

Farm Africa supports the development of enterprises that connect farmers to markets. By linking farmers and agribusinesses to consumer demand, improving the flow of working and investment capital into the sector and strengthening the businesses that supply farmers with commercial services, Farm Africa is helping turn African agriculture into a profitable sector that lifts people out of poverty.

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Harvesting from fishponds

This video, which was produced by Farm Africa with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, outlines tips for fish farmers on how best to harvest from their fishponds.


Earthen fishpond construction

This video, which was produced by Farm Africa with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, outlines tips for constructing earthen ponds for fish farming. It includes guidance on assessing water quality and soil type to check the site is suitable for aquaculture, and lists the tools required for the pond construction process.


Reducing deforestation and emissions in Bale - What's the incentive for local communities?

This report presents evidence of how 12,496 hectares of forest in the Bale Eco-region were saved between 2012 and 2015 following the establishment of a REDD+ initiative. The reduced deforestation stopped 5.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.


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Farm Africa's approach to participatory rangeland management

Farm Africa’s approach to helping pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities build economically, socially and environmentally sustainable rangeland management systems.

PDF - 858kb

Farm Africa's approach to participatory forest management

Farm Africa’s approach to forming formalised forest management agreements between local communities and governments that simultaneously promote resource management and enterprise development.

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Farm Africa's approach to integrated landscape management

A summary of Farm Africa’s approach to the holistic management of rural landscapes, so that gains from development in one region are not cancelled out by losses in another.

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Farm Africa's approach to trade

A summary of Farm Africa’s approach to helping smallholder produce what the market needs and getting better prices for their produce.

PDF - 922kb

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