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July 2015

Dear Subscriber Name,

This summer we turn our attention to animals, and bring you a....

‘Focus on Livestock’

In eastern Africa, animals are generally a family’s most valuable and useful asset. Farm Africa is working with livestock farmers to help turn their animals into thriving rural businesses.

Peek inside our new online hub of inspiring stories to see how, thanks to supporters like you, Farm Africa is helping farmers increase their incomes and send their children to school.

But, there are still so many farmers and families in desperate need, and we need your help to reach them. Give a gift today and help more families transform their futures.

On behalf of all the other farmers we have been able to help already, I would like to thank you for your support.

With my thanks and best wishes,

Fundraising Team

PS Please give a gift today and help more farmers like Ramette, Marietha and Adem.

Healthy chickens produce a flock of success

Ramette lives in Ethiopia’s Halaba district with her family and as one of the poorest women in her village she was chosen to receive ten chickens from Farm Africa. She also learnt how to build a secure home for her chickens, how to care for them and breed them.

The eggs they lay add much-needed protein to the family’s meals. Ramette has been selling some at market too - and has been able to buy clothes for her daughters and invest in three small sheep.

Rearing chickens is an ideal way for poor families to boost their incomes which is why your support can really make a difference.

Please help provide a family like Ramette’s with ten chickens and set them on a path to a more prosperous future.

Turning honey into money

Hayseng village on the edge of Tanzania’s Nou Forest is home to Marietha and her family. Village customs were stopping Marietha from becoming a beekeeper. Honey is traditionally harvested from hollowed-out logs hung high up in forest canopy, and it isn’t culturally acceptable for women to climb trees.

Farm Africa gave Marietha five modern beehives that can be kept at ground level and all the training and equipment she needed – to help make her honey business a success.

Whilst Marietha is hard at work at home, her bees are hard at work in their hives. The money she earns from selling the honey helps her to feed and educate her children, and improve the family’s standard of living.

Please help provide another woman with a modern beehive, and the opportunity to earn money selling honey.

Turning livestock into the lifeblood of rural businesses

Adem lives in Ethiopia’s remote Dello Mena district. Most people in this area are pastoralists, so they rely heavily on selling livestock and animal products to earn a living. Adem owns three cows and two camels – but overgrazing meant there was little fodder for them to eat. They soon became sick and stopped producing young as a result.

Farm Africa has helped Adem and his fellow livestock keepers to form a rangeland management co-operative. Rangeland is now strictly rotated, and at regular intervals it is protected from grazing livestock so that there is plenty of time for the grasses to re-generate.

With plenty of healthy grass to eat, Adem’s animals returned to good health and started breeding and producing milk once again. His children can drink the milk and he can also sell it at market, to earn a much-needed income.

Please give a gift today and help more farmers like Adem transform their livestock into reliable incomes

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